Rachael Ray sucks? So why do they watch?

There are plenty of Rachael Ray haters out there. They despise Rachael. You'd think she'd baked their babies or something based on their comments.

They malign her for kitchen cross-contamination. Give me a break, she's not conducting a restaurant cooking course.

They attack her physique. Interestingly, though, others are more than ready to express their appreciation for her appearance.

They criticize her vocal tone. They hate her facial expressions. They turn up their snobby noses at Rachael Ray's cooking and recipes.

I get all of that. I really do. I can understand why people would hate Rachael Ray. Some of it is just a matter of personal taste. Some of it is a byproduct of jealousy. Part of it might be related to the general snarkiness and cruelty that so often passes for humor these days. Whatever. It doesn't matter. It's okay if you don't love Rachael Ray.

Here's what I don't get... Why are people who seem so turned off by Rachael Ray so obsessive in their hatred? Look, there are people on TV that I don't like. Take Bill O'Reilly (please!), for example. I don't care for him a bit. So, do you know how I handle that personal taste? I don't watch the guy. Simple. If I flip by Fox News and see his scowling mug I just keep on clickin' the clicker.

The anti-Rachael crowd, however, seems to be unable to do that. If you peruse the "Rachael Ray Sucks" Livejournal entries, for instance, you'll find scores of posts by people who claim to hate Ray, but who put in the time and effort of watching the program in order to make snide remarks and to lament about how much they hate her.

I don't make a point to watch Bill O'Reilly every day just so I can gripe about his nonsense the next day. Seems like a waste of energy to me. It also seems like a good way to increase one's blood pressure, too.

That's weird enough. The really odd thing is that their disdain for Ray doesn't stop with her. It also applies to those who like her. You wouldn't believe some of the comments I get from folks who are nothing short of angry with me for liking Rachael Ray. I'm pretty liberal about comments. Most of the time, I will publish just about anything. I don't shy away from criticism or even contrary opinion. Some of the Ray-hater remarks, however, never make the blog because they consist of nothing more than vitriolic personal attacks.

Anyway, Rachael Ray haters... I know you're out there and I know you aren't shy about commenting here. So, I'd be interested in knowing why, if you hate Rachael Ray so damn much, do you feel it necessary and/or reasonable to track her every move with the attention usually possessed only by mega-fans?


Anonymous said...

"Rachael Ray Sucks" sucks? Then why do you read it?

Anonymous said...

Rachael sucks because:
1. She has exploited the Susan G. Komen Foundation.
2. She has recommended giving onions, garlic, nutmeg, and dairy products to dogs (all of these are known to be toxic to dogs and are often fatal).
3. Her claims that her recipes are delicious, healthful, quick, and cheap are totally fraudulent.
4. She's constantly lying and contradicting herself.
5. She's constantly commiting cross-contaminations, and yes this is a big fucking deal! Ever heard of E. Coli, or salmonella?
6. She is manic, fake, and phony.
7. She is rude and condescending to guests on her show, as well as her own fans.
8. She has no integrity and accepts every endorsement deal thrown in her face.
9. The claim that she is "the girl next door" is a crock of crap.
10. She has disguting hygeine (i.e. her constant head scratching, dirty nails, open sores on hands, etc.) and wears really unflattering clothing.

And for the last time, RR haters are not "jealous" of her. I don't know why people nowadays are always tossing out the "jealousy" argument when you say you dislike someone. It is possible to dislike someone without envying them, you know.

I personally avoid RR's shows like the plague, but in case you're wondering, the reason people do watch her shows is because she's a total train wreck! Watching her flail about like a hyperactive 5 year old is pretty damn funny, and in case you're wondering, we're laughing at her, not with her.

The reason Suxters love to toy with RR fans is because they are so fucking stupid! Most of them have the grammar, punctuation, spelling, reading comprehension and cohesion skills of a first grader, and it's funny watch them trip and fall trying to defend their little deity, who in their eyes can do no wrong.

And honey, the only reason Suxters care about RR's physique is because she is constantly offering dieting tips and claiming her food is healthful. Doesn't that strike you as hypocritical that she is fat now? You wouldn't take dieting tips from a fat person, would you?

And please- enlighten me as to why Rachael is so great, and please don't mention her butt; if you like this woman only for her ass then you should only be defending criticism against her ass.

I could lambaste you all day, but I'm hungry for a midnight snack. You could almost say I'm a nocturnal gourmand.

Anonymous said...

I betcha' they won't dare tell you why. I find it disturbing that these Rachael-haters, particularly one who's been getting too much publicity for starting it all, must "obsess" over her 24/7. :( That LiveJournal blog is not worth my time of day, that's for sure. I know far better than to go there.

I, too, have a disdain for Bill O'Reilly and most everyone else on "Faux News" (as the channel's foes love calling it). I know they say get to know your enemies, but all it takes is looking them up in Wikipedia, their sites or other blogs. I learn far more about them than I care to know just by looking at them. ;D

Anonymous said...

Are you out of your gotdang mind? Raytard sure has brainwashed you to the point where you think cross contamination isn't a serious issue. I expect a TV personality like Raytard to inform her audience about this, especially when she is cooking food that you can "totally entertain with".

Anonymous said...

Rachael Ray is a fraud. She claims her recipes are "healthful" and "figure-friendly" when she douses them in olive oil and smothers them with cheese. I don't care if olive oil is a "good" fat. It's still 120 calories, and it's still fat. When your internal organs are squeezed by fat, they won't care whether that fat came from olive oil or Crisco. She purports to combat childhood obesity via her Yum-O site, but her recipes on that site contain more calories and fat than the average fast food megaburger. A pizza recipe I chose at random contains ~700 calories per serving, not counting the vegetables. (Note that nutritional info is not provided on her sites; one must go elsewhere to get info on each ingredient to make such an analysis.) Ms. Ray sits on a nutrition and health advisory panel at the South Beach Wine & Food Festival yet she is ignorant about nutrition and fitness. She has claimed that she refuses to diet, which demonstrates her ignorance of a basic health principle: There is no need to diet to maintain a healthy weight - you just need to exercise and eat sensibly. It's obvious that she has no interest in promoting health and fitness, nor in combating childhood obesity. She is a self-aggrandizing hack interested only in promoting Rachael Ray. I could go on, but I'm sure you'll hear from others.

Anonymous said...

I agree. If they hate her or are irritated by her, they can always turn off the TV. The depth of the rancor is just amazing to me. Her food may not cordon bleu but, for a novice cook, her recipes are a start. A notch above Hamburger Helper and Kraft Dinners.

Anonymous said...

Sweetheart, it isn't as easy as flipping the channel. your queen bee is EVERY freaking where! On the bill boards, at my local Dunkin Donuts, at my grocery store on a Wheat thins box, her mug on the countless and useless books at any number of book stores, her crapy pots at Target, her 20 million shows on television, her magazine peering out at every goddamn stand!

I would have to relocate to another galaxy to get away from your beloved RACH.

Make your queen stop whoring herself for a buck and then we can talk about discriminating tastes.

Sorry to keep you from worshiping RACH at your homemade alter. You can go now!

a former FN viewer

Anonymous said...

Oh, and to address your question of why we watch, in case it's not obvious. If there were a con artist in your neighborhood selling squirrel deflectors or snake oil, or poisoning animals, you'd warn others. Some of us track RR's latest scam so we can alert those not in the know. Sometimes we enlist the aid of other organizations in spreading the word, i.e. the ASPCA or PETA to inform them that Ms. Ray is promoting dog food recipes that contain onions and garlic, which are known to be toxic to dogs; or we advise the William J. Clinton organization or Alliance for Health that they are woefully misguided in partnering with someone who promotes high-calorie, fat-laden foods to America's youth under the guise of combating childhood obesity.

As far as cross-contamination, Ms. Ray's show is indeed meant to be instructional. Many of her devotees praise her for helping them overcome their "fear of the kitchen" or for "demystifying cooking." Ms. Ray is therefore responsible for demonstrating proper hygiene and food safety in the kitchen, as these devotees are admittedly ignorant in that regard.

Anonymous said...

It is not hatred. It is dislike.Dislike is not jealousy. I consider it to be irritation.

Hatred=the feeling of one who hates; intense dislike or extreme aversion or hostility.

Dislike=to regard with displeasure, antipathy, or aversion:

Irritate=to excite to impatience or anger; annoy.

It's fun to watch someone make an ass of themselves don't you think? People of rrsux are not "one kind" of people, who are hostile and vile, though they may be sometimes, but I guess that's your opinion if you live in a sugar and spice world where everything is just fine and dandy.

I totally 100% agree with the anon poster who listed RR's worst 'qualities'

Anonymous said...

I am not a Rachael Ray fan because I find her extremely irritating. Because of that I do not watch her shows. However, inventing a blog to do nothing but hate on one celebrity is a bit much. If you don't like her, simply change the channel! It is that simple. If you have that much time on your hands, getting a job may help.

Anonymous said...

Bill O'Reilly doesn't affect my life. Rachael does. She a big superstar now, influencing millions of new cooks on how to eat unhealthy crap. When I go into a grocery store and can't find oxtails to make a stew, but there are miles of "boneless, skinless chicken tenders," that irritates the crap out of me. It's lowest common denominator bullcrap. She bastardizes ethnic food, teaches people the wrong techniques and is a phony hack. Did you ever see her make mussels? People could be poisoned by watching that, and that's a fact, not hyperbole. She has no business telling people how to cook. And I don't watch, but she's everywhere. Her show isn't about food anyway, it's all about Rachael Ray. And what person needs eleventeen shows on the air and NOT be an egotistical snob? That's why she talks over guests on her daytime crapfest. She has some sort of narcissitic disorder. Blah

The Short (dis)Order Cook said...

I'm not a "Suxter", and in fact, I do my best to stay off of RR fans' blogs and show them the respect I hope they would show me, but sometimes people ask, so I respond. I'll try to explain it as best I can.

She is the selling of a brand, a personality, rather than of a skill or technique. There are (or perhaps were) many chefs out there who can teach you how to cook easily. I mourn the loss of "How to Boil Water" or "Sara's Secrets" which gave very simple instructions for good cooking techniques and useable simple recipes.

People like Ray because she doesn't "intimidate", but do TV chefs really intimidate people? Has our society become so dumbed down that mediocre recipes are all we can handle? Do we really feel "threatened" by peole with culinary degrees or who wear aprons or chefs jackets when they cook or actually tie back their hair?

I learned to cook by opening up a cookbook and following the directions. I didn't find it that difficult. Eventually I came to understand basic techniques so I could liberate myself from recipes. Now people are learning to "cook" by "eyeballing" ingredients and throwing far too many of said ingredients into a burger, soup, sandwich or salad. Does it make us feel better that someone cute and perky is more than happy doing this kind of mediocre cooking that we accept it as great, and expect nothing less of ourselves?

She had some good ideas in the beginning. She made the kind of meals most fairly experienced cooks can make. She ran out of ideas three years ago and it's just piles of ingredients on top of piles of ingredients. It's beyond stupid right now. It's really just sad. We have 20 more burger recipes and the woman still says she can't toast bread without burning it and still can't bake. I get really upset that people admire this and want to emulate this.

If you want more elaboration on how I feel, check out my own blog and my March 07 post called "The Food Network: Whom is it for these days?" and my April '07 post called "A Rational Defense of Why I Hate Rachael Ray".

Sorry if I've offended you. Blog on and I won't bug you anymore. Hope you continue this blog and your cooking happily and I do mean that. I will say, I rarely ever watch the show. I don't watch it just to get snark material. I often pop on FN while I do tasks like fold laundry. That means 30MM might be on and I might be able to tolerate it. Most of the time, I can't anymore.

Anonymous said...

Dear Hopeless Madelemming,

This messcipe, "Chicago hot dog salad". I give it a 10 ... for the 10 hours of explosive diarrhea!

Raytard can go to hell!

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you.
I will admit I am a Rachael fan (OH NO! A SUXTER IS GOING TO BASH ME NOW!)

I have only gone to that website once to see what it was about, and it was completely disgusting.

They say Rachael speaks like a 4 year old, well they don't sound much more intelligent either!

I can't believe people who are ADULTS can sit at the computer for probably hours on end talking shit about ONE person, who if they paid no attention to, wouldn't be as much of a bother to them. They are adults for god's sakes, you think they would have grown out of the "high school trash talking" days by now.

They seem to need to get jobs, or at least get ones with better hours, because they have way too much time on their hands to be worrying about one person.

And god help if they hear or see a website where people like Rachael (who outnumbers the "SUXters" by far), they go and bash everyone there calling them a lemming. If anyone is acting like a "lemming" whatever that may be (I'm not going to waste my time looking up a word which probably came from the children's dictionary) it is them, who seem more obsessed with Rachael than any fan, and are acting like a bunch of robots to the one person who created the website (I saw the Chefography or whatever interview, and SHE has the right to insult Rachael?) God I would hate to see what everyone else looks like on that site.

By reading other's comments here, they say "Oh we can't help but look at her, she is everywhere!".


I have yet to see a Dunkin' Donuts advertisement in the past month an a half, and she is no longer on the Wheat Thins boxes as you all are saying. So the only reason you think she is everywhere is because you are looking!

Well, I would say more, but I actually have a JOB I have to get to that takes up most of my day.

And no SUCKsters, all of her fans are not ignoramuses. I guess becoming a surgeon/M.D working at a hospital basically full time means i'm ignorant, right?

Anonymous said...

Well, Doctor, you did find the time to come here. If you checked a post a few weeks old at the RRSUX community regarding our supposed wasting of time, you'd find that those of us who commented on that post are employed and/or attending school, and many of us are involved in volunteer work. I have three freelance jobs, and I can pretty much choose my hours. I also am involved in directing races to benefit various charities and environmental education organizations, and I am a successful competitive long-distance runner. You don't become good at racing long distances by spending "hours on end" at the computer. While doing computer work, I drop in to comment or post. I type quickly, so this does not take much time. You could liken this to taking a break to chat on the phone or with your spouse (or whoever else is in your house) while working, or with playing a quick game of Minesweeper or Free Cell while waiting for something to download.

My main gripe is Rachael Ray's promotion of high-fat, high-calorie foods while purporting to combat obesity, and declaring those foods to be "healthful." As a doctor I'm sure you understand that obesity affects the non-obese because a rise in obesity-related diseases results in higher insurance premiums. It's enough that there are hereditary diseases and diseases not directly related to lifestyle choices, so a little preventative medicine in the form of exercise and sensible eating would help everyone.

Anonymous said...

I detest crime, bad grammar, ignorant people, drunk driver's, child molestors, etc. . So, if, or anyone else writes, complains and/or want to rid the world of these things, does that mean we are jealous?

It's bringing to light terrible injustices that are not helping but hurting.

Rachael Ray is doing nothing positive with her so called "healthful" meal concoctions. Oh, except making high blood pressure, obesity, and heart disease increase by the day because people are to glassy eyed to realize that her meals are damaging.

She might be more tolerable if she at least made an effort to make meals with less oil, cheese, salt. Dousing fruits and vegetables in oil or covered in salt and cheese in order to be good is unhealthy. Those ingredients defeats the purpose of eating fruits and vegetables.

Sure, you and your kind can go ahead and say that you can always change RR's recipes. But, then why watch her? Why buy her books?

Anonymous said...

Kovacs - A lemming isn't something from a children's dictionary lol. It's the dumbest creature in the animal kingdom. Last time I checked, animals aren't age specific.

And yes, Rachael is on everything...there are remnants of Rachael, including faded posters, billboards, and now she's on the box of "Sociables." Please get your facts straight before bashing.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but when is cross contamination perfectly OK? Rachael represents everything you SHOULD NOT DO in the kitchen. You must think being poisoned by E-Coli or Salmonella is "Too Cool For School" as your queen would put it. If you were to poison anybody you'd probably laugh it off just like your hero. Don't even call yourself a human being if you ever do such a dastardly thing.

Anonymous said...

Suxters are just that- THEY SUCK ! They have nothing else to do but throw stones at Rachael Ray. How can Misty dare to even through the RR is Fat stone - is she kidding me?? Why would she exploit herself that way- The woman is a house and she should live her high fat life in silence - I nearly choked when I saw her on E Bio-
If I want to throw stones at someone's weight and eating habits I would for SURE make sure I lead a heathly diet- Looking at Misty I would say she loads up the fat and cheese on her messipies !!!
RR is not for everyone - so you either love her or hate her - but just leave her alone-

Anonymous said...

I used to like Ray in the beginning but she is a joke of her former self. Here is the proof


How can anyone that participates in programs to combat obesity also endorse Dunkin Donuts and use a lot of oil to fry bacon?
That truly bothers me.
Ray clearly shows that she is only in it for the cash. She is a hypocrite.
All of the contradicting information about Ray is there all you need to do is connect the dots.
I find it disturbing that Rachael has so much power to influence people to aim so low

Anonymous said...

Last time I checked, Misty was making a change for the better..AND LOSING WEIGHT. Sticking to a diet is something which RR bashes repetedly.

Anonymous said...

Misty (who has lost 50 pounds since the E True Hollywood Story) has never bashed RR for her weight, and even if she did, it wouldn't matter because Misty isn't on the airwaves 24/7 proudly peddling "healthful" recipes or offering dieting advice ala Raytard.

And what's wrong with throwing stones at a celebrity? Rachael's a stupid hack and if she can't take the heat of being under scrutiny by the public then she shouldn't have become a celebrity.

Anonymous said...

I should've left my previous comments on this blog instead of the other ones! This is insane!

I agree about the Rachel Ray (RR) haters; it is quite comical to spend so much time hating someone that you'd sit and watch RR's show with your nephew just for your own amusement when he criticizes her show like you do. Could it be that he learned it all by hearing and watching you do it??? Oh, and then plan a date to watch the show again with him for more loathing? That's funny!

I went to the "Rachel Ray Sucks" site out of curiosity, and I thought it was a bunch of little kids posting, but they are actually "adults." What??? So, let's revisit that first comment posted about RR fans writing like first graders ... "I Eat Poop!" plastered all over Rachel Ray's pictures, and other nicknames, such as "Raytard" clearly defines a child with an imbecile as a role model.

I can understand the annoyance with RR's perkiness and other gestures, it can be too much for one person, but change the channel if you're that irked by her! She's successful with or without you, and I laugh with her for laughing at you "Suxters" because you're watching her shows everyday and making her more money!

Anonymous said...

You know what happens when a car crashes on the highway? Everyone slows down to look. You can't help it, you're curious. Most of us don't actually want to see some blood and gore... but we still look.

The biggest thing that bugs me most about her.... is on her show, $40 A Day... she is a HORRIBLE tipper. Through her televised actions, she's telling other people it's okay to tip poorly.

That and I know people like her. And they're fake, and will say one thing to your face, and be thinking something esle completely. Dishonesty is not a nice trait in any person, even if they're lying with a smile on their face.