Coming Soon to On Every Day with Rachael Ray

Here's a sneak peek at a few things I plan on covering in future posts. I'd like to thank the Rachael Ray Suxters who visited the post I made yesterday for providing some inspiration. It's interesting to find out some of the reasons why people profess to detest Ms. Ray and those topics are great grist for the "On RR Every Day" mill.

So, here are a few future topics...

Garlic, onion, dog food and Rachael Ray. Apparently, some people are upset about Rachael's dog food recipes calling for the use of onion and/or garlic. Both contain thiosulphates, which are toxic to dogs (thiosulphates can cause Heinz anemia in our canine friends).

So, should we all hate Rachael for the "poison recipes", or is the criticism unfair/unfounded. I have reservations about some of her remarks, but I also feel that some of the suxters are making a mountain out of a molehill (especially with respect to garlic).

Cross-contamination in the kitchen. Some people get on Rachael's case for cross-contaminating activities observed during her cooking shows. Some of those same people were nonplussed with me for arguing that it wasn't a huge deal.

I stand by remarks and I'll offer a longer explanation as to why. In the meantime, just know that you're unlikely to die as a result of imitating Rachael's kitchen habits.

Is Rachael Ray unavoidable? A few people have claimed that they hate RR because she's an omnipresent force they feel unable to escape. Is that really true? Is it a good reason not to like her? Is it really an answer to the "just turn the channel if you don't like it" argument?

No, no and no. Just in case you're wondering. More later.


Anonymous said...

Unlikely to die..? Is that a chance
you want to take?

Anonymous said...

So, should we all hate Rachael for the "poison recipes", or is the criticism unfair/unfounded. I have reservations about some of her remarks, but I also feel that some of the suxters are making a mountain out of a molehill (especially with respect to garlic)
This is not making a mountain out of a molehill. There have been dogs who have died from eating just the tiniest piece of garlic skin. I also suggest you check out this recipe:,,FOOD_9936_31053,00.html?rsrc=search

This contains not one, not two, but six ingredients which are toxic to dogs. The nutmeg is especially disconcerting. Dogs can seizure, hallucinate and even die from ingesting even small amounts of nutmeg. Any vet would tell you so. It is supremely ignorant that Rachael would suggest feeding this to dogs.

In the meantime, just know that you're unlikely to die as a result of imitating Rachael's kitchen habits.
About 5,000 people die in the US each year from food poisoning, about 50-75 related to cross-contaminations. By these statistics, coupled with the fact that it is unlikely that someone would exactly imitate RR's kitchen antics, it is highly unlikely anyone would die, let alone even get sick from Rachael's recipes. However, this is one of the many traits that shows this woman's incompetence, and is one more reason that RR is a poor role model and should not be taken seriously as a cook.

In regards to Rachael's omniprescence, it is definitely not a self fulfilling prophecy as you have stated. I quit watching her shows all together several months ago and I still bump into her face almost everywhere I go. I've seen her mug, at the grocery store, the book store, the mall, at the dentist's office, the state fair, Hallmark, Target, and even on the bus. She is unavoidable. Case closed.

Resident Expert said...

Case closed? Hardly. We'll get to that in a few days, though.

Hope that wasn't your best series of arguments to support those rather specious claims, suxter!


Anonymous said...

How were those arguments "specious?" They seem like good, solid arguments to me, but I guess in the eyes of a biased and brainwashed lemming like you, Rachael can do no wrong.

Anonymous said...

Since you seem so desperate for material, here are 70 more points for you to "investigate:"

Though you will probably dismiss this as "specious" because you are a biased, indifferent, brainwashed, and ignorant moron who gets his rocks off by looking at pictures of Rachael's ass, I highly suggest you take a look at this.

Anonymous said...

Keep the telephone number of the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center—(888) 426-4435—as well as that of your local veterinarian, in a prominent location.....for Rachael Ray followers, speed dial would be best!