Moaning Montage

You can call it an eccentricity. You can think of it as an annoying habit. Maybe it's a "trademark". Whatever. You might even hate it. It's Rachael Ray's reaction to food tastes.

She's definitely not quiet when it comes to expressing appreciation for something she finds tasty and her television career gives her many opportunities to sample some real goodies. When her taste buds encounter something she digs, she... Well, she let's out a moan.

What happens when you piece together a series of Rachael Ray food moans? You get a pretty funny video. I found it at YouTube, and it's the kind of thing everyone can enjoy. Rachael fans will get a kick out of it, and the haters among us can use it as proof of her allegedly noxious personality.

In any case, here it is. Funny stuff!

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