Scouting Rachael

Once upon a time, Rachael Ray joined the Girl Scouts. According to a few of her televised comments, the whole experience didn't really work out for her the first time around!

So, what do you do when you get the boot from the Scouts and later turn out to become a role model for young women? You give it another chance, that's what!

Rachael took some time to teach one troop of Girl Scouts how to whip up some tasty turkey tacos. Her return to Scouting's good graces is available at the Scouts' blog.

No word on whether Emeril Lagasse ever earned his knife-handling badge from the BSA. Something tells me, however, that Alton Brown could've been an Eagle Scout--there's something "Eagle Scout-is" about that guy... And sure, Rachael Ray doesn't really bake so she couldn't help the Scouts make cookies. I bet she would've been good at selling them, though!

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