Local Flavor has a Dash of Rachael Ray

The Daily Southtown runs a regular piece called "Local Flavor" that profiles folks who live in the community. One Chicagoan, Meghan Lynch, recently got the "flavor treatment", which involves sharing some info about your cooking background and even providing a recipe.

Lynch mentioned Rachael Ray in her comments, listing her as a "Chef she admires". Rachael gets the nod because, as Lynch puts it, "She makes cooking fit into your daily life."

That's really at the core of Rachael's popularity, if you think about it. She does a great job of showing people who might otherwise balk at cooking that there is an easier (and yes, even fun) way of whipping up tasty grub without having to set aside hours and hours in order to do so.

Anyway, I thought the comment was spot-on. Oh, and Lynch's recipe for raspberry cream tostadas looks downright awesome. You can read her recipe and profile here.

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