Parker Takes Turn as Ray

I'm not a big Mad TV watcher. It's not the worst show on TV (not by a long margin), but I generally find the humor a little on the obvious side and a little less nuanced and well-performed than other options. However, the folks at that show can turn out a winning segment once in awhile. Take this video of Nicole Parker doing her best Rachael Ray impersonation, for example.

Okay, the material itself is so-so. True, the jabs at Rachael's expense (drinking, meager tipping, etc.) aren't particularly original. However, even as a Rachael Ray fan I have to admit that Nicole Parker does a great job imitating RR. The gestures, the facial expressions, etc. Many of them are totally spot-on.

Whether you're a Rachael Ray fan with a sense of humor or a "suxter" who'd like to see Rachael get taken down a few notches, the video is a winner.

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