New Jersey Blowout Grabs Rachael Ray's Attention

Hammonton, New Jersey, is one of the blueberry capitals of the world. Located between Atlantic City, New Jersey, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, this nifty little town hosts a great blueberry-themed festival every year. You'd be surprised how many cool things people can do with berries!

Hammonton is also home to the Andersons...and they like to party. We're not talking about little gatherings on weekends with friends, either. We're talking about massive blowouts.

One of the Anderson's parties, in fact, was considered so "over the top" that it warranted a visit from the crew of Rachael Ray's television talk show. The Andersons were celebrating their daughters first birthday and they decided to organize a massive function with everything from parrots on motorcycles to pony rides.

Not only did the Andersons get taped for Rachael Ray's show, they also scored a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit the program and to share some on-air time with Rachael.

The Hammonton News has the whole story. No mention of blueberries, however.

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