Village Voice Uppity Over Rachael Ray Love...

The folks at the Village Voice just can't handle the fact that some people really do dig Rachael Ray. The uber-trendy mag laments the compliments and appreciation reserved for the Food Network mega-star. In a supreme moment of irony, they claim that loving on Rachel Ray is the trendy thing to do.

The article isn't long, but it is relatively annoying. The comments that follow aren't, by and large, particularly enlightening, either.


"You see, the world is divided into two kinds of people: formally trained food snobs who hate burgers and regular, hard-working, busy people who only have time to eat piles of ground turkey and melted cheese for dinner every night."

The way I see it, if you get The Voice griping about your popularity, you are probably doing something right. Go Rachael! Take a look at the article in question right here.

Oh, and not so surprisingly, they felt the need to dig out one of those sexy FHM pictures to illustrate the piece. YAWN.

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