Now, Rachael Ray has a big hit on her hands with "Inside Dish" and Crystal feels more than a little slighted over the whole affair. That's why the Food Network is getting sued over the whole deal.
Rachel Ray, in case you were worried, isn't named as a respondent in the lawsuit. Apparently Crystal's gripes (real or imagined) are with the network, not the star.
You can read more about it here. Of course, this source article contains the obligatory Rachael Ray FHM picture. I am beginning to think the NYT will run one of those with her obituary some day, even if she cures cancer at some point in her life. People are addicted to illustrating RaRay stories with those shots.
1 comment:
Um...I'm not sure this incarnation has been a success, either. No new "Inside Dish" shows have appeared since Rachael's syndicated show was announced, and that was well over a year ago. Food Network seems to run the occasional repeat on a given weekday morning.
Not at all meaning to troll or anything. This commenter thrives in sticking to the facts according to the TV listings-and whatever the Food Network lists in its site. ;)
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