Stretching the Notion of the Rachael Ray Lookalike...

Rachael Ray is hot, and people like to hand out compliments. Thus, people will tell women, "hey, you look like Rachael Ray."

Sometimes they are right, sometimes they are not.

In this, case they are not.

The girl in the photo (and I say "girl" 'cuz she's all dressed up for a school dance, I believe) is very attractive. Cute as a button, I'd say. She deserves all of the compliments in the world.

However, she doesn't look like Rachael Ray.

Nonetheless, one commenter said:

"WOW, you look like Rachael Ray, from the TV Food Network. Pretty!"

Well, s/he's right about Rachael being pretty, anyway...

This exchange occurred at a board for Sissyfight 2000, so take it all for what it's worth...
Wanna see the alleged Rachael Ray lookalike? She's here.

1 comment:

SLynnRo said...

seriously. wtf is wrong with you? you are a mean spirited asshole.