What is UP with Rachael Ray in FHM, by Dobie F.

Replacement blogger filling, you probably knew all about this...but it was news to me...

I was reading this article about Rachael Ray and it said that she had a pin up in FHM. I had never heard about that before. So, what do you guys think about the Rachael Ray FHM thing. I think it’s great.

The article was talking about how a lot of chefs don’t like Rachel Rae. I was surprised to hear this, but once I read the article it made sense. Anyways, they really don’t care for her posing for FHM. Well, actually they were just looking for more reasons to not like her, but this gave them another one.

In the article, they talk about how her style of cooking is something that everyone can do. She doesn’t use a lot of specialty ingredients and things you haven’t heard of before. Apparently, other chefs think this makes her less of a chef than they are. Below is a quote from the article called “In Defense of Rachael Ray” that can be found here. http://www.slate.com/id/2122085/

“It's easy to see why: Ray rejects specialty ingredients, elaborate recipes, and other foodie staples. But she deserves our respect. She understands how Americans really cook, and she's an exceptional entertainer.”

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