Someone Longs for a Less Wholesome Rachael...

"As a side note, I also wish just once she would drop the wholesome American girl act for just a second when she utters one of her hilarious double-entendres on 30 Minute Meals and just acknowledge it. If I have to hear one more, "my husband LOVES dark meat," or endure any more nut-encrusted meat recipes, I will have to hit myself with something. I mean, c'mon, have you SEEN the FHM pics she took? Don't even tell me that she thought those were for the cooking education of countless young men, hmmm?"

That's from a post about Rachael Ray I found here. There is more. The first part of the post makes some observations about Rachael's breakfast selections while eating on $40 a day. This person thinks she orders pancakes too much.

Drop the wholesome act?
Is it an act?
Maybe...Maybe not...

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