How Old is Rachael Ray and When is her Birthday?

Rachael Ray was born on August 25, 1968. So, based upon my math, Rachael Ray is 37 years old.

I mention this because I get a fair number of folks who ask me "how old is Rachael Ray?" or "when is her birthday." It isn't hard information to find or anything, but I thought some of you might be interested.

So, you can circle August 25 on your calendar and celebrate Rachael Ray's birthday every year. Call it EVOO Day or try to eat on $40 or make supper in a half-hour in her honor every 8/25! Ha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you don't want to keep doing the math, I created a page that calculates Rachael's age up to the day. Check out how old Rachael Ray is now.