Rachael Ray and Happiness...

Fred W. White at pqInternet.com recently penned an interesting article about happiness and our ability to adapt our ways of thinking in order to find it.

I'm not necessarily the world's biggest fan of self-help material, but I thought White's perspective on happiness was refreshing in its directness and simplicity. It is definitely worth a read, especially if you feel that negativity occupies too much space in your life.

What does this have to do with Rachael Ray? More than you might think. You see, I actually found White's thoughts while searching for interesting Rachael Ray material. The article showed up because he uses Ray as means of illustrating his point.

White writes:

"Do you want to see a prime example of what happens when you stop focusing on what you don't have and instead focus on being happy, having fun, and helping others? Look at Rachael Ray. She started out a regular person, with one exception: she's naturally happy. She loves to cook, she loves people, she has an infectious smile, and she makes other people feel good. She's built a huge empire from those simple facts. So can you."

Read the full article and change your way of thinking (if necessary) here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Resident Expert!
Thanks for mentioning my article referencing Rachael.... that was very kind of you… however, my name is Fred BLACK, not Fred White!!!!

Too Funny!