The piece itself is very interesting. You can read it here if you'd like. Of particular note for readers of "On Rachael Ray Every Day" are these comments:
"One person interviewed, Bryan Paumier, said: “We just TiVo all the stuff and play it back again until we get it. If any other questions come up, we can go back to the episode and review it.” He watches Rachael Ray ”religiously” and says, ”All her stuff is not too expensive and always healthy, and she’s not lying when she says it takes 30 minutes.” I think there are some who would beg to differ, but if you pick the right recipes, the sentiment is certainly true.
Another Rachael Ray fan is Rachel Henry, who tells a story that’s very similar to my own: “I’ve definitely cooked a lot healthier than I used to, with a lot more diverse ingredients than I used to,” she said. “Learning the names and things made it a little less intimidating at the grocery store.”
Amazing how so many people claim Rachael serves up nothing but butter wrapped in fat, that her meals take hours to prepare and that she's doing nothing to bring people a greater understanding of food and cooking when actual fans and viewers say the exact opposite!Go Rachael!
I just found this interview with Rachael on AOL TV and she's her usual charming self and talks pretty candidly about being a tv host. the link is here:
if you could post it that would be SO cool!
Again, you can't make everyone happy and to each his or her own opinions; but, it seems to me that some of those making the negative comments are the ones that are eating "nothing but butter wrapped in fat."
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