Tuscan Soup from Rachael Ray...

Linda, from "At Our Table" made some rebollita per Rachael Ray's recommendations and blogged about it.

She gave the "re-boiled" (see how good my Italian is) bean stew a thumbs up for its hearty flavor and was able to prepare the meal in 40 minutes flat.

The recipe can be found at Linda's site, but it originates in the Rachael Ray cookbook, "30 Minute Meals II".

So, it took Linda 40 minutes and it takes Rachael 30. Ostensibly.

Hey, I think a ten-minute gap is pretty impressive. A lot of people tell me they don't come close to hitting the half-hour deadline.

Back to the "stewp" (or is it "stoup"--yeah, that's right). It looks and sounds like a stomach-warming bit of comfort food to me. I like the white beans in tomato sauce thing and nothing can beat the inclusion of a little parmigiano reggiano in my estimation!

Check out the whole recipe and the "At Our Table" commentary here.


Anonymous said...

Spell it with me: R-I-B-O-L-L-I-T-A


Mark Thomas said...

That's a picture of Kelly Clarkson. Or am I missing something. Or was it supposed to be Kelly?

Anonymous said...

This pic is so Kelly Clarkson. WHyu would they even post this on Rachael rays blog spot...someone made a dumb mistake!!!!!!!!!