They'd combine their knowledge of Photoshop with a bevy of available pictures of Rachael Ray's face and some of the ubiquitous porn available everywhere online. Well, it happened.
If you're a good searcher and know while nooks and crannies of the web to investigate, you can find Rachael Ray fakes. That's the expression they use. Fakes. Basically, you can now view images of Rachael's head placed on the naked and cavorting bodies of adult movie starlets.
The picture with this post is a decidedly G/PG-rated Rachael Ray fake. It's Rachael with a nice big rump. Fake, but still strangely enticing.
The Internet is a strange, but sometimes glorious thing. I'm not sure which category I should file this under. Strange or glorious.
It is a dog gone shame, she don't advertise for apple bottom jeans or baby phat. That would blow the roof off of jean sales.
And I am not a marketing guy
i wish that was her butt.
she really has a cute face. the only thing wrong is that she is a bit on the chubby side. i know, i know! she hosts a show about cooking and eating, but jeez! a few sit-ups wouldn't kill her. i'm saving this picture anyway and will pretend that it is NOT photo-shopped. heh-heh.
Oh, look. It's Rachael auditioning for a television show. Using her sizable assets. Putting her best butt forward. She's got a brand spanking new attitude.
Glorious! I've been fixated on Rachel Ray, ever since I saw her for the first time! I'm disappointed this is a fake (and I'm certain it is, based on comparisons with the other FHM pictures)--but she looks hotter here than in the genuine photos! I wish every female celebrity had a body like this!
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