High schooler has nothing valuable to say about Rachael Ray...

Sometimes I wonder if I was as snotty as some of these kids today. Probably not. Well, okay, maybe. Nonetheless, there is some snottiness out there and when it comes to snottiness directed at my dear Rachael Ray, I feel obliged to comment.

This kid expresses her desire to beat Rachael Ray with a broomstick. She wants to what Katie Couric around, too. Why? Did they kick her dog? Steal her allowance? Make her do extra trig homework? Make googoo eyes at the captain of the football team and ruin her chance at getting the perfect homecoming date? Nope.

She wants to take a dowel to Rachel Ray because the superstar is perky. Yeah, apparently this kid thinks having a positive attitude and some energy is sufficient justification for the infliction of bodily harm via a broomstick.

You gotta consider the source, though. Two years before college hits and the kids is also convinced that wearing sunglasses make her look more intimidating and thinks she should have them around all the time. Idea: Ask Corey Hart about that plan, kiddo. And lay off Rachael Ray. She cooks, she writes, she entertains. Enjoy some Rachael Ray French dip sandwiches and put the broomstick away.

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