Rachael Ray's Sexy Eating Unappreciated by Dubious Guy...

Well, Dubious Guy isn't really a big Rachael Ray fan. However, his blog is good and he is not one of those nasty knee-jerk Rachael Ray haters who just want to go nuts on the poor girl out of spite or jealousy. He seems pretty clever and his comments are interesting.

Basically, he is opposed to the way Food Network on-air talent eat. He thinks the oversensualize the process and sees it as being a wee bit on the sexual side.


"Then, she puts a bite in her mouth, closes her eyes, and then sort of holds it there in her mouth for a second, eyes shut, only to quickly open them, make some disgusting moaning noise and then roll her eyes back into her head. If you were to surf to her show at just that moment you'd think that your cable just got upgraded to the Spice Channel (no cooking pun intended). Food TV has turned eating into p**n. Bad p**n."

I don't agree with that, but she is pretty dramatic when she is eating.

Anyway, read more right here.

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