Insanely cool contraption...

I don't know what it's like in your neck of the woods, but here in "On Rachael Ray Every Day" country it is hotter than you know where. That's why, when I found this cool contraption, I felt compelled to tell you about it.

Scenario 1. You park the car, go into the grocery store to buy some EVOO, come back out and find your vehicle has been transformed into some sort of red hot pizza oven.

Scenario 2. You flip one of these do-dads in the window and your car stays super cool. The power of the very sun that warms the car powers the fan of this air circulating wonder device. I completely dig this idea--using the sun against itself!

It cuts the heat by 30 degrees or more. How cool is that? Yes, the pun was intentional in the last sentence.

Anyway, turn the sun into an agent of cooling!

Auto Cool Solar Car Fan

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