Adam is a Rachael Ray Fan...

Hi. Found this web log author who posted a very pro-Rachael Ray message. Thought I would pass it along...

Here is an excerpt:

"Rachael Ray is the best thing to come out of Massachusetts since the founding of this nation. Since setting up my computer I've recorded over a dozen of her shows. I don't usually watch the Food Network, but I could watch that crazy, hyper-expressive girl all day long. The food she makes looks as good as she acts like it tastes... She's just so damn endearing, I can't turn the station.

Oh, My, God, her hips. I'm not usually a fan of the pear shape, but Rachael Ray is just hot."

Well, whether you think of her as pear shaped or not, you can read more of Adam's observations here.

1 comment:

Adam Lawson said...

Hey! Thanks for the link. And I didn't intend to be mean to her with the pear comment, most of my fantasy women are just usually a little more... unrealistically shaped. ;)