Random Rachael Ray Mention in Time

Time magazine has one of those little handy how-to articles about cutting household expenses. Nothing Pulitzer-worthy, or anything, but it's always nice to be reminded again of the ways we can save a buck or two without drastically altering our lifestyle. Anyway, Rachael Ray gets a mention in the article.

While talking about how one can reduce energy consumption in the kitchen, the article talks about "your efforts to emulate Rachael Ray."

It is, really, a random mention. No particular reason to bring Rachael Ray into the discussion. None at all. That's o.k., though. I see it as having symbolic significance.

When you feel compelled to mention Rachael Ray any time you reference anything about the kitchen, that just goes to show you how darn popular she is.

Rachael Ray, randomly mentioned in Time for a reason...Because she is hot. Red hot Rachael!

If you want to squeeze a dime instead of a lime read time (now, that's a rhyme).


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