In Defense of Goofy Rachael Ray

Jill Hunter Pellettieri, writing on, comes to the defense of our beloved Rachael Ray in an article called "Why Food Snobs Should Quit Picking on Her."

Jill acknowledges that Ray has many detractors. Her aversion to specialty ingredients, her kitschy dish names, her frequent silliness and even her magazine spread (posing in a serious of sexy pictures for FHM) have led many to dismiss her as a flaky goof. As a result, there are a few Rachael-haters out there.

The article, however, explains part of Rachael's great success--her understanding of how people really cook and what they really like to eat.

Rachael Ray cookbooks might not feature the most exotic gourmet fare, but they provide what Alton Brown might simply call "good eats." Additionally, as the article noted, Rachael is an entertainer as well as a cook.

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