Do They Find Rachael Ray Annoying or Hypnotic?

Most fans of Rachael Ray know there is a certain contigency of folks who are not very impressed with her. They don't like her television shows, personality or silly little catchphrases that some of us find endearing.

Well, after hearing so much about those who find Rachael Ray annoying, I decided to go and see for myself what they disliked oh-so much.

I still don't have a good answer. The anti-Rachael Ray people seem motivated by the ol' green monster called jealously as much as anything. I happen to think that the success of someone who is so down-to-earth and real might make some people feel shown up, so to speak.

I mean, if Mr. Harvard MBA succeeds, one can write it off to a great education, a probable family history of success and advantages, etc. In other words, one doesn't have to feel bad about falling short of Mr. Harvard's achievements--he had the inside edge, right?

When a real person like Rachael Ray makes her way up the ladder from food job to food job and finds herself a massive success and celebrity,
it's hard to say that it's because of the system or whatever. Successes like Rachael Ray inspire some of us, but I think there are others who just feel sort of like they aren't measuring up.

I don't know if that makes a ton of sense, but hopefully you get my message. People might think Rachael Ray is annoying, sure. But many of them probably think that because she is an achiever and they are not.

The other thing I noticed about Rachael-Ray haters is that they seem to be somehow hypnotized or obsessed with Rachael Ray's television shows and appearances. Post after post on the anti-Rachael site takes aim at very specific things she did, said or wore on particular episodes of her shows. This means these people who think Rachael Ray is so annoying are apparently watching her very regularly and closely.

Makes you wonder.

Most of the time, I give you a link to check things out. In this case, I will pass. I don't feel like linking to people who hate Rachael Ray or think she is annoying.

I like Rachael Ray, after all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've heard from so many people who thinks Rachel Ray is annoying. But I absolutely adore her! I love her energy, she does have this magical way of drawing people to her. I don't understand why people find her annoying. Are they comparing themselves to Rachel Ray? Why bother? Why can't people just let those who are successful enjoy their success. Wouldn't you want the same for yourself? Yikes, but go Rachel, you're the best!